Four E-Waste Tips For Small Businesses

Posted on: 24 April 2020

Small businesses have many of the same technological requirements as large corporations, but they don't necessarily have the budget or benefit of in-house recycling and disposal options when it comes to that technology. The following four tips can help your business manage its electronic waste in a responsible and cost effective manner.

1: Have a Data Destruction Plan

Before you can even consider disposal of your e-waste, you need to think about what type of data could be stored on it. Sensitive information, such as payment details, customer and business account information, and personal data can fall into the wrong hands when you dispose of old electronics and computers. You must contract disposal out to an e-waste recycler that provides secure data wiping services on the items they pick up, or you will need to have data wiping protocols in place for your employees to implement when preparing technology for disposal or recycling.

2: Contract With a Pickup Service

Pulling employees off their job to manage and drop off old tech at a recycling center can cut into your bottom line. Fortunately, there are e-waste recyclers that contract directly with businesses large and small. You can set up a regular pickup service if you have a consistent flow of technology to dispose of. Otherwise, you can simply contract out the pickup service as it is needed.

3: Implement an Upgrade Protocol

The best way to manage e-waste is to minimize the amount you produce. Instead of purchasing computers, company smart phones, and other items cheap, opt for devices that can be upgraded several times. This slightly higher initial investment will cut down on the frequency of new tech purchases as well as e-waste recycling costs. In the long run, opting for items with better upgrade lifespans will save you money and keep more tech out of the waste stream.

4: Research Donation Options

Just because a piece of tech is outdated for your business use doesn't mean that it is at the end of its useful life. Instead of tossing every piece of tech that is no longer useful for your company, work with an electronic recycling service that works to get older but useful items into the hands of those that need it. Many non-profit organizations collect cell phones, computers, and other cast off items to use in schools and similar locations where tech is financially out of reach.

Contact an electronic recycling company in your area for more help.
